MedEasy | Public Relations | Communications

“Modern patient included PR for Medical and Healthcare brands with compassion for care”​

MedEasy brings a unique blend of responsiveness and sensitivity to the Medical, Healthcare, Pharma and lifescience sectors. This leads to bespoke strategies which achieve high levels of media coverage, based on real and technical understanding of the requirements, knowledge, rules and regulations for all medical products and health care brands.

With our extensive knowledge and experience we provide the service of a large agency without losing the personal touch and the patient inclusive perspective. For clients seeking to create an international impact, we can put together tailored cross-border solutions with compassion for care .
Health Care & Medical Public Relations, Media, Health care & Medical Social Media, Events, Patient included communication, Pharma, Medical marketing & communications, CGR – KAG/KOAG, Health Care marketing & communications, Pharma marketing & communications

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